Having Faith and Hope when there is Breathe..It isn’t too late….

Please Read....Please Share...

Help is Available for anyone who struggles.

IF your loved one is struggling...

IF you or they are breathing, It isn't too late...

December 20th 2022

I woke up @ 3am this morning to a text that I am sharing below in italics that was sent last night. 

Text received 12/19/2022

"Amy, I want to thank you for all of the advice you gave us!  

My sister really 'woke up' to the dangers of drug addiction. We really tried to get Amanda into rehab...she fought us every step of the way. Swearing she was done after another horrible detox, promising to go to meetings, ect. We encouraged her to stay the course, and my sister stopped enabling her. 

Do I regret not getting you involved? Of course!...maybe you could've made more headway. 

Unfortunately, fentanyl won the war, and she died from an overdose last week. 

😔That horrific drug, along with her mental illness...and her complete stubbornness to deal with either one, unfortunately cost her, her life...along with the life of her friend...and potentially another friend who is still missing. 

I wanted you to know, so that you can use her story to hopefully persuade others to change their life...before it's too late. 

She leaves a 12 year old son behind, and her friend who died with her left a 1 year old son behind as well. So tragic! We are all devastated, but know that she is finally at peace, after struggling for more than half of her life. 

Love you, sweet friend...and so proud of the amazing work you do! Stay strong, and I'll be praying for you to continue to reach more people! ♥️"

Personally, I don't even know what to feel. I am heartbroken, I am mad at the disease, and I am numb. Professionally I ask myself what if anything could I have done different.

I debated on what to say to anyone who will read words that I write. I will tell you I am in Recovery and experienced severe struggles for 20 years. DO I still struggle at times?  Of course, I am Human!

Only by The Grace of God am I here today to share my personal story. 

I spoke to this family in September of 2022. I remember the first call, I was in Dallas with my youngest daughter in support of it being a year since her father’s passing. I encouraged them to consider an Intervention for her and for them.

I encouraged them to seek Professional Help. IF not with me, Ok, but with someone, somewhere.

IF this were any other Disease we all know we would have done the work, done the research, and been in front of a Professional, no matter what it cost, no matter where it was. 

Over these past few months, I have checked in with the author of this text, the precious Aunt who loved her family. Respect was given to the Family who decided to navigate this disease on their own. 

She gave me permission to share, so maybe, just maybe It will reach someone that is contemplating getting help for their loved one and does not know if they should seek outside help.

The answer is YES. For the Love of God, YES!!!  

Please reach out to a Professional to help navigate The Dis-Ease of Addiction. 

It is truly life or death for most all who struggle.

Take your EGO and FEAR and throw it out today.  IF that offends you, I am not sorry. Whether we are the addict, alcoholic, family or friends, our Ego and Fear are running the narrative in some form or fashion. Both are holding you and them back.

Remember there is a GOD and none of us are him. We are not that powerful. 

Faith without Works is dead, we can pray for change BUT action is necessary. I would rather see you do something than being frozen with the unknowns and do nothing! 

1.IF you are the LOVED ONE - You CAN NOT fix them.

YOU CAN start Repairing yourself. 

2.IF you are the LOVED ONE - You CAN NOT cure it.

Even if you are a medical professional, you are emotionally attached. Emotions and logical solutions sometimes do not mix. We enable which disables the process in allowing our loved ones to get better.

3.IF you are the LOVED ONE - Remove the EGO and allow others to help.

4.IF you are the LOVED ONE - You HAVE NOT failed because your loved one is struggling with addiction. Addiction is NOT a moral failing.

5.IF you are the LOVED ONE - STOP being secretive about your loved one’s Addiction.

We are only as SICK as our Secrets. More people know than you realize.


7.IF you are the LOVED ONE - Please, Today, PICK UP THE PHONE, and ASK FOR HELP!

8.IF you are struggling, ASK FOR HELP! 

9.IF you are a LOVED ONE and have attempted to help your loved one who is struggling and they are still in active addiction, please reach out to see what can be done different..Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes….Small changes in your behavior can lead to big positive changes in their behavior.

10.IF you have lost a loved one to this disease, my heart bleeds for you. Please NEVER be shameful, and Share your Story in hopes and prayers to help others♥️🙏🏻

Prayers and Peace for all who are still suffering…

Amy C.


Chasing Grace..


Pursuing Recovery with Legal Support